A Blues Sunday
We knew that it would be good, but didn't think that it would be that good. Robin Hastings was the Guest Host on the Acoustic Hour Radio show. .... and he invited his buddy Ken Hiram, Jeff Kelley from clymer PA contact number 724-254-7000, Dave and John Minda http://www.daveminda.com/, and Mike miller, Jimmy Roach, Joe Roach of the group Four Day Crawl, http://www.fourdaycrawl.com. John Rising did the honors by playing base and Pattie Holmes even joined in on the last song.
If you missed this outstanding show, you can check it out on http://www.acoustichour.com/ you're going to need highspeed. I would suggest that you download it first then listen to it.(To download the file, 1. Put your mouse over the link, 2. Right click and choose save target as, 3. pick a location and or folder, 4. click Save.)
This was the first group type Blues show. All of the music on the show was live, except bumper tracks from Jeff Kelley's cd. We would like to do it again and have it be even bigger and better. Pattie suggested that we invited "women Blues Artists" I'm up for that, and do hope that we can tap into that talent pool. Thanks to Greg Bender at the Music Box for his sponsorship of the show, along with the Homemade Restaurant.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again... This area is rich in talent.. All you have to do is open a window.