Acoustic Hour Radio and Web show

The live Radio show has been on the air for over 4 years. In that short time, we have interviewed and featured artists and musicians from around the country. Some of the most creative, talented and dynamic guests have come though our doors at the Renda Broadcast Station in Indiana PA. Tune in Sunday Mornings 9-10AM on AM110WCCS.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Remember When

Remember when you were a kid and all you carried about was playing with toys, food and being outdoors?

Fast forward to now:

The alarm clock rings
- Did you really get to sleep
The dog is barking --You think... could I hear the dog if it was in the trunk of my car?
- It seems like getting ready for work takes longer each day
- Where are the kids--- who knows, if I'm quiet i can sneak out the house
- Did I put gas in the car
- Where are my car keys
- Where is my briefcase
- It's raining, and I don don't have an umbrella
- I hate my job enough said!
- Get out of my way slow drivers!
- Where' smy favorite CD
- I'm hungry but i don't know what to eat!
- These fries are cold, again!
- Did I pick up the kids, are they old enough to drive
- Maybe they are staying at a friends house
- You just want to go home!
- The phone is ringing.. don't answer it
- The cellphone is rining ..don't answer it
- Junkmail and bills, how do they keep finding me
- Anything good on TV
- No!
- You're finally home
You close the door behind you
---and I have to do this all over again tomorrow!
Sometimes you just want to stay inside and play!
Relax, it will be Sunday morning soon and you can tune into the
Acoustic Hour Radio Show. Enjoy.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Acoustic Hour International

Over the past few years, we have expanded our reach of guests on the Acostic Hour Radio Show. Last Sunday was a great example of that . We had 2 guests on, One from LA, and the other from Canada. That's right, we have them both on at the same time. Victoria May from LA is a graphic artists and friends with Julie Gribble (LA , now Alanta Georgia singer songwriter) She's also friends with David Blair(Singer songwriter) He's from Canada.

We we started the show (Ron Nocco and I) I always wanted to grow it and have to listened to by people all over the world. Well. Here we are in 2008 and the show is still on the air, and acatually, people anywhere in the world can download the show and listen to it.

Also, it was brought to my attention from my assistant Andrew Wolfe, that he has been helping out on the show for 3 years today. Wow! First, I can't believe that it's been that long and oh how time goes by. Thank you Andrew, you've been a great help... and the artist really like you.

There's a lot going on at The Acoustic Hour... If you are a a loyal listener, then you know it to be true. If you are just finding us out for the first time, thanks for stopping by. I'm working on the current roster, and it's pretty impressive. Keep checking back on the acoustic hour site for details. For now, thanks for your listening ears.

By the way.. David Blair will be Live in Studio on March 23rd. How about that !