Acoustic Hour Radio and Web show

The live Radio show has been on the air for over 4 years. In that short time, we have interviewed and featured artists and musicians from around the country. Some of the most creative, talented and dynamic guests have come though our doors at the Renda Broadcast Station in Indiana PA. Tune in Sunday Mornings 9-10AM on AM110WCCS.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Loyal and new Listeners

Morning to : Sandy and the kids, Linda, Bob, Karen, The Johnson's, Jack, Ben and Peg, Dorothy, Mark and Susan, Dana and Mrs. Dana, Larry and Paula, Paul, Sam, Steve, Randall, Jessie, Laura, Robert, Phil, Ian, David, Alex, The Captain, Joe and family, Barry and family, Rodney,
The lady in the grocery store, Folks at the picnic, and so on ..

I know it's been a while since my last blog. But I haven't forgotten about it, I hope you all haven't stopped checking. Lot of music stuff to talk about. The one thing that keeps happening, is every so often someone, (usually someone I don' know) says to me, I usually listen to the show. I generally ask them their name in hopes that I can remember to write it down and say good morning to them on the next show. Sometimes I get it right and other times, I don't.

I'm so appreciative of folks taking the time to let me know that they listen to the show. I know that the artists do appreciate it. I know that I've said this somewhere before.. That when we are on air, all we see is what's in front of us. We can't see the audience, the folks listening at home, in their cars, outside, on their boats or where ever. Even when they download the audio version of the show later that day, we are detached from this experience. I know that I enjoyed having a front row seat to some of the most incredible, fun and talented people in this region. I'm not kidding folks. The musicians and artists do this because they have a true love for the craft. Believe me, I can tell, and you can too when you tune in ..

Thanks for listening... and you can now watch some of the shows on go there and put fanzo1 in the search'll see the vids I've posted.


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