Acoustic Hour Radio and Web show

The live Radio show has been on the air for over 4 years. In that short time, we have interviewed and featured artists and musicians from around the country. Some of the most creative, talented and dynamic guests have come though our doors at the Renda Broadcast Station in Indiana PA. Tune in Sunday Mornings 9-10AM on AM110WCCS.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

It's not about the job, It's about the door.

I don't know when I first heard it, but the saying did stick with me. It was, God closes and opens doors. It's really a faith based way of looking at how we journey down the road of life with God opening and closing doors along the way.
A friend of mine was recently fired from her job and we had conversation about it. I told her, " It's not about the job, but about the door!". God's going to open new doors, just as he closed the one to her last job. So don't waste your time on the fact that that door is closed. Of course you can stand there and complain about it, cry about it, and also blame the people on the other side of the door if you want. But the real challange is to look forward, continue to develop skills, and choose to walk though the next open door.
The same holds true for musicians, I can't tell your how many stories I've heard about how frustrating it is to get ones music on air. Or to play at larger venues... and on and on. Many musicians simply give up or just stop trying.. They become part time players and replace playing with, family, hobbies and other things.
Their instruments get packed away in the closets and attics only for the children and grandchildren to find at some point in the future.
The thing about the job is, you have to have income, and jobs/careers are so tied into our wellbeings that, with a job, you are kind of in limbo. so wipe the sleep out of your eyes, get a goodnights sleep.. and concentrate... cause with faith, you should see the doors off in the distance.


Monday, April 02, 2007

New Stuff


It's time to get back to blogging. We have a few new announcements coming up. So, check back and see what's happening on the Acoustic Hour Radio show. Oh and right now. The website is being worked on (about time).
