Acoustic Hour Radio and Web show

The live Radio show has been on the air for over 4 years. In that short time, we have interviewed and featured artists and musicians from around the country. Some of the most creative, talented and dynamic guests have come though our doors at the Renda Broadcast Station in Indiana PA. Tune in Sunday Mornings 9-10AM on AM110WCCS.

Friday, May 04, 2007

The Grit Rally

Here's a question
If you had 2 doors infront of you and you had to choose one in order to continue life, which one would you choose?
Door 1 ---$1000,000 A new Car, A new house, 3 Trips to anywhere in the world, Free college for 3 of your kids, oh and last but not least free food for life at 2 local restaurants
Door 2 --- The secret to life!
Which door would you choose?
Are you busy this coming Saturday?
I know that you probably have a lot to do this weekend, and of course, your schedule is packed. But if you can, come join us for a time a fellowship and music. Men you know, and Men who are doing great things for Indiana County will be there.
Every year JD hold this Mens fellowship retreat in Indiana county. I don't know how many years he's beeing holding them, but I've been involved at least 3 years. JD requests that I lead the worship. So every year, I call on my friends and thus we have a worship group called " The git band." This years group of talented musicians more on the younger side. Lance Wolfe 13, Nick Hudak, 13 Kalaeb 15, Alex Prusenski 17, Barry, Brian and I are the old guys.
Men are invited this Saturday at the Newman Center on Oakland ave. @ 8:00am. It's runs till about 12:00 The progam will feature some great speakers and a super worship enviornment. If you have stop by...
Place St Thomas More, Newman Center
1200 Oakland AveIndiana, PA 15701
(724) 463-2277
Time : 8:00am-12:00


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